
Orangeville Utility Box Art

This illustration was created for a contest hosted by, my home town, Orangeville. This design and two others were chosen out of many applicants in the year 2016 for the Utility Box Art Display Program. This program aims to incorporate more locally produced art work throughout the city.

My inspiration for the Utility Box Art Display Program started with my admiration of the beautiful architecture in Orangeville. The architecture throughout Orangeville represents the town’s historical heritage and the unique architectural forms found across town are distinct features that are the prime identifiers of Orangeville. I decided to replicate iconic buildings throughout the town through the medium of digital art. The buildings include: the Court House, the Westminster United Church, Town Hall and the Public Library. The buildings each represent important symbolic pillars of support in any community. These buildings are also the more unique architectural buildings of the town. I also added the founder’s statue of Orange Lawrence as well as the clock towers, because these are important features of the town’s historical heritage and of the main roadway – Broadway.


“A cup of tea would restore my normality.”
— Douglas Adams

A warm cup of tea is one of my go-to comforts when I’m feeling any type of way. Stomach hurts? Peppermint tea will do the trick. Anxiety setting in? Camomile will calm the nerves. Can’t sleep? Lavender tea will make it better. Each of these cups represents something I’ve struggled with in the past. Combining a fear with a comfort in the efforts to neutralize and restore my normality.

These illustrations were a self-motivated project, where I had a vision of what I wanted to create so I went ahead and created it for the fun and to stretch my illustration muscles.

Lake Erie Sand Spit Savannah Workbook

A collaboration with a few illustrators and artists, this activity workbook was created for children visiting the Lake Erie Sand Spit Savannah (LESSS) habitat at Point Peele National Park. March 2018 I was commissioned to create additional pages in the activity book for the LESSS, as well as create and add more illustrations to the existing pages. In culmination, I created two print-ready PDFs, one English version and one French version. This was a freelance opportunity, all communications with the client were via email, reviews and work were all accomplished remotely.




Textile Design