
Brand Identity

Caustic \KAWSS-tik\ adjective. 1: capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action: corrosive. 2: marked by incisive sarcasm.

Comfort \ˈkəmfərt\ noun 1: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. 2: the easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress.

Caustic Comfort, is all about bespoke handmade quirky decor. The company name was conceived from the idea of putting oneself in an uncomfortable position until one is comfortable being uncomfortable. The concept, not unlike aversion therapy. The ideology behind the name and imagery is to live and embrace one’s own discomfort.

The logo imagery plays on the double meaning of the the word “caustic” ⏤ corrosive or sharp-witted sarcasm. The skeletal hands encircle an anatomical heart in a comforting embrace. The gesture inspires thoughts of safety and security, while the bones gives off an unease. A symbol of death embracing a symbol of life.

Responsive Logo Adaptations

Creating a responsive logo is important to maximize legibility and recognizability for each size and type of communication for any brand. The logo is tailored for usage and legibility at any size. Below you’ll see the full scale logo alongside a medium, small and extra small sized logos. As the logo gets smaller details are removed for better legibility, elements are simplified for each version. It has also been adapted for both stacked and horizontal usage. The logo has been developed for multiple circumstances and placements and its usage and legibility in those circumstances has been throughly thought through.

Process & Variations


Exhibition Design

