If you want to know more about Madison Pflance, our creator and founder, see her Graphic Design Portfolio.

Our Specialty

Bespoke handmade quirky decor & more.

Our Story

Caustic Comfort, is all about bespoke handmade quirky decor. Running themes will include: sadness, anxiety, cuteness and badassery.

Caustic \KAWSS-tik\ adjective. 1: capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action: corrosive. 2: marked by incisive sarcasm.

Comfort  \ˈkəmfərt\ noun 1: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. 2: the easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress.

The Making

The founder of this tiny, humble side-hustle, Madison Pflance, needed a stress outlet… so here we are. Thanks to the pandemic, she had a lot of spare time on her hands and too much time to think. To get out of her head, she started making handmade gifts. Friends and family kept nagging her to sell her stuff, so she finally freakin’ did it.

The Logo

Our logo is a little dark, but the meaning behind it is a positive one. Most can relate to the idea of using sarcasm as a way to hide pain or insecurity. For an insecure person, sarcasm can act as a more comfortable disguise, used to feign confidence. Skeletal hands embrace an anatomical heart in a comforting gesture. The gesture inspires thoughts of safety and security, while maintaining an unsettling vibe. The ideology behind the company name and logo is to live life and embrace one’s own discomfort.

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