
Linocut Print Textiles

Inspired by my favourite time of year, Fall, I created these two prints. Fallen Leaves consists of four different leaves, all crumpled and in various forms of decay. Let the Flames Be, is made up of tossed matches, with a few lit mixed in. The skull incorporated in this print adds just the right amount of creepiness, perfect for an understated Halloween look.

The design elements for both of these prints were first sketched out and then transferred and carved out of the rubber pad that created each stamp. To figure out the best looking repeat for the pattern, I drew up similar rough sketches in digital form and tried various layouts until I was happy. Below you can see the rough digital representation of both prints. The charm of these prints are that each imprint is saturated at varying opacities, due to the handmade nature of the medium.

Carved stamps with printed fabric.

Fallen Leaves digital ideation.

Carved stamps with printed fabric.

Let the Flames Be digital ideation.




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